Along with that pound 1 1/2 inches came of my fanny. Yay! That leaves me 18 inches to go on the butt front ... so to speak.
I have 131 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. Actually I'm not too sure about the goal weight. With the muscle mass I carry I was thinking I may be heavier. But I'm going to go for it and evaluate things as I get closer to goal. Frankly I think I could carry a decent amount of muscle mass at 5 ft 7 inches tall and still weigh 150 lbs.
But if my measurements are in line where I want them, and my weight is a bit more... then frankly I don't care.
Feeling good, and having my measurements down to size is what's important to me.
In truth I'd like to just whack off this fat and be done with it. Grrrrr... wee bit frustrated with it. However I am losing it.... no not my mind. The fat!
I want to avoid surgery if I can. So, it's pace myself and workout and hopefully the skin will draw up and tighten up so I'm not living in a walking skin sail. If it doesn't tighten up it's coming off. If I can find a surgeon with excellent credentials, and he/she says it's relatively safe to do.
I saw a woman on a local TV station the other day that is about the same age I am that had lost over 80 pounds. She was in bicycle shorts and a little work out top. I was very interested since this skin thing has been an issue of some concern for me. Anyway she looked pretty good. She had a much smaller frame than I do, and her skin had tightened back up.
Gotta get out to the kennels, muck out the whelping house and do a scrub down. I have some beautiful Pomeranian puppies and young adults; and I want to get some photo stories done.
The heat this summer kicked my butt when I was out working in it. Took about all I had just to take care of the dogs. I'd come in from feeding watering, and so on and just crash. It's cooling off a bit and I'm getting into better condition so I'm getting more done.
That's another reason I want this fat off my body. I want into good physical condition too. Grrrr, between that stinking West Nile, adhesions, infections, and the surgery to clean out the mess my body nearly bit the dust. Literally... body bag anyone.
One way or the other I'm getting this body into condition. I really dislike...not a strong enough word!... being out of shape. ugh!
I want to complete that marathon in the spring so bad I can taste it! There has to be a way to get my dogs taken care of and get some distance training in as well. Has to be... make it happen.
Work crew is supposed to be here in the morning to help prepare for an influx of 50 to 55 poms that are coming in to be taken care of. No I'm not breeding them. The belong to a senior lady that can not take care of them in the winter, and can not bear to let them go to new homes. So here they come. I hope the crew shows up and is actually functional.
One day... one pen at a time....one way or the other I'll get it done.
Gotta run...or rather walk fast...lol..
Life is a journey... obstacles or adventures it's up to you...
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs