This is a bit of a celebration post. I'm finally back on line without fighting with my isp... I changed isp's once again. Direct to satelitte now. Knock wood it seems to be working. So far so good...
On the weightloss and fitness front. I am actually making some progress.
I've been journaling what I'm eating and what has been going on in my life. I've been working on oxycise. And working on my kennels. Between working on the internet and working with the dogs... that's pretty much my life at this point... oh yeah and fighting with my isp. Thankfully this one seems to be working. I switched to WildBlue. I am out on a ranch and the point to point isps that I tried working with weren't reliable.
Back to fat loss... goal... lose 4 inches off my waist by the end of May!
Ok gotta run...
Life is a journey...enjoy the trip... Mary and the Hairballs