Sounds a bit surprising even to me. I looked at New Vision’s contest banner again. Frankly they have the right idea. It’s a “Body Transformation Contest”. Get it? Body Transformation? In my mind that says overall health. Being physically fit, healthy in mind body and spirit. (Of course their contest guidelines are posted on the New Vision Website)
My aim is to become truly healthy. To become truly healthy is an ongoing process. Losing excess fat is a side effect of becoming healthy. Transforming your body is a side effect of becoming truly healthy. Building a strong flexible body is a side effect of becoming truly healthy.
Transforming your body is not a one time big thing. It is a series of small things daily over time. It is a change in lifestyle.
Transforming your lifestyle is not a one time big thing. It is a series of small things daily over time.
It is truly amazing how things come together.
I was asking what can I do, how do I do this. Not only about losing fat; which I had accumulated way too much of, but about my life, business, relationships, and so on.
My weight was spinning out of control, my business was on total overload and spinning out of control, emotionally and mentally I was in a very dark place. I’d look at everything that needed to be taken care of and just hit total overwhelm. Life seemed impossible. Fighting back from 5 years of illness, and 2 years of recovery. What a bloody mess. Go like crazy and crash from exhaustion, both physical, and mental. Then do it again. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster ride.
Then my 48th birthday rolled around. February 5th, 2008. I thought to myself “I’ve had enough of this, no more”. I’m not doing this any more. No more rollercoaster in weight, business, emotions, health, life! I want off this horrid ride. What are my options? How do I get off this ride? How do I get rid of this static in my mind? How do I live in peace with myself?
It’s amazing, how when you ask questions answers are provided. It’s truly amazing how quickly answers come up when you ask questions. Take note; be aware of what questions you are asking.
It’s amazing how God leads you to useful tools. Most of which have been there all along. (No I’m not getting preachy. Each person’s relationship with their God is between them and their God-by whatever name they choose to use-each of has free will-choice, and the responsibility that goes along with it)
It amazes me how we can complete huge projects by small actions. Truly amazes me. Happily the static is gone from my mind. I am no longer on overload. I am becoming healthy; I can feel the muscles in my abdominal region strengthening. I can actually see my body composition changing. Good by excess fat, pretty exciting stuff.
A dear friend of mine recommended a book by Byron Katie
Buy it from me, or don’t buy it from me, it doesn’t matter. But read the book. You will be glad you did.
Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With our Pomeranians
307.788.0202 Mountain Time USA