Back to the 5th, I popped onto my computer, wrote a couple of blog posts. One on Living in peace within yourself, no matter what is going on around you. This was on my Life is a journey blog, the other was on helping children deal with the death of a pet, this was on my Arfing News blog. .
I mentioned the blog posts because of the events that followed on my 49th birthday. Whoo, hoo… made it 49 years. Feb. 5th.
This is where it starts to get hairy. Later that day the railroad my husband works for calls me. Trying to find David to go to work. David was supposed to be at the other end of his run. So I told them he was at the lodging where he was supposed to be. One of the great things about David is when he works, he works. He doesn’t mess about. So I knew if he wasn’t where he was supposed to be there was a problem. Mind you this lodging, and railroad depot is out in the middle of rangeland. No towns for over 30 miles in any direction. It’s around 150 miles from our ranch.
The gentleman that called me said they couldn’t find him; and asked me again if he had come home for some kind of emergency. I said no he was there, and started to get worried. My husband has Type II diabetes, and uses insulin. Depending on how active he has been, and what/when he has eaten last his blood sugar can drop to very dangerous levels.
I asked the Mgr. if they had checked his room, the gym, a whole list of places on the property he could be. Usually he shows up 30 minutes early for work (yes he’s one of those) and he was not there.
I was trying not to panic, with visions of my husband confused from low blood sugar, heading for a coma and death on the wrong end of a train, or lost on the rangeland. It was just an hour before dark and temperatures drop quickly; the temps alone are reason for concern.
I told this Mgr. the only reason David wouldn’t be where he was supposed to be, is that something was wrong. I stressed the dangers of his sugar levels dropping; as in a body bag and funeral.
They had a team together looking for David with cans of full sugar soda pop. They scoured the lodging, the buildings at the depot, the parking lots and surrounding areas, and still couldn’t find him. By this time I was very concerned. I was wrapping things up here as quickly as I could, getting ready to jump in my pickup and roar across 150 miles to get to the depot to help look.
Mind you there are over 80 dogs here and I was in the middle of prepping their hot food when the railroad called.
The sheriff was being called to bring more people on board for the search, and ambulance alerted. I had just changed into my outside work/hiking boot type shoes and was heading for the door to get in the pick up truck when the phone rang again.
I took a deep breath and went for the phone. A number of my friends have sent their husbands off to work on the rail and had a corpse come home; gets a bit tense at times. My husband’s cell phone number was on the caller id. He was ok. (MASSIVE RELIEF!)
It turns out the desk clerk wrote down the wrong room number. The railroad depot Mgr. didn’t think to check the computer to see what room number my husband had entered when he logged off the computer.
I was relieved and completely exhausted, felt like a horse had kicked me in the chest. All that worry because someone wasn’t paying attention to their duties. Grrr. First it was a massive wave of emotion and relief, then it was pissed off on a magnitude that would make a volcano look small. My stomach dumped massive amounts of acid resulting in gastric attack after gastric attack, and swelling up from head to toe. Felt like a very large horse had kicked me in the chest for most of the week.
I am very glad that David is ok. I do love the fellow you know. I am glad he caught me before I made a 150 mile drive as fast as my pickup would go. I am rather put out that the entire situation could have been avoided by their desk clerk simply doing his/her job. The next time they call me I am going to tell them to check the railroad computer to see what room he is in. I wish I had known to tell them that this time. Such is life, I know now.
All things considered I did pretty good at living in peace within myself. I didn’t eat the entire frig,(just a half a peach pie) had a couple of bingy episodes, muscles still ache, from the tension but that’s a minor thing. Didn’t spiral into a depression or suicidal freak-out; that’s a good thing.
I could have done without the bloating; truthfully I could have done without the entire episode.
Sorry I haven’t been on the board. I did notice that working out first thing in the morning does wonders for my attitude all day long. Although I only made it 3 days this past week. Goal for this coming week is 6 days. I pushed play today: 5 more to reach weekly goal.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will direct your paths.
Proverbs 3, 5-6
Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!
Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians
Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially
Yes it’s true, I am a rambler…
11 lb lost. 139 to go.
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