Frankly I think most of the bounce was water retention. The good news is that even though I had a major malfunction. My body’s metabolism is revved up enough so that I burned off the calories. This week I weigh 286 that’s 13 pounds down leaving 137 to go for the 150 pound fat reduction. Whoo Hoo!
This past week has not all been “Whoo Hoo” part of it was a serious stink bomb. Hubby is having some issues with the weight loss and attitude change. He had a piss fit a couple of nights ago, than made his exit out the door to the train. (to work) Yes I felt like sh*t afterwards; the good news is I did not binge. I kept functioning, hurt feelings and major pissed off for a couple of days. But I kept functioning-and did not binge!
That is a major victory for me.
2nd victory of the week: I brought up the piss fit yesterday. He got home around midnight the night before. So he was here all day yesterday. I told him he had been cruel and hurt my feelings; explained that I thought I had his support and was saddened and disappointed that I did not.
He said that he hadn’t yelled (oh yes he did) and that he had said his piece now he was done with it. He was fitting about my work as well. (kennels/internet/coaching) He said he did support me.
Ok that’s great. I do love the guy, although there are days I really don’t like him much. In the back of my mind I knew this was coming sometime. I was hoping that it wasn’t, but a niggle in my mind told me it was. In the past it has always shut me down. I would stress overload, eat everything in sight, and go borderline catatonic for days, sometimes weeks. There my weight loss, fitness plans would go right out the window, along with what ever other projects I was working on at the time. Then here would come the "I told you so’s".
Not this time. I stewed, and frothed, but didn’t short circuit. That is such a victory for me. Not a victory over my husband. A victory in my own life. His outbursts, I believe, are driven by fear of change. I’ve been over 200 pounds ever since we met. The past few years, since I was ill and recovering, I’ve been very reclusive as well. Now, I’m working out, losing inches, losing fat, energy level is coming up and I am coming out of my shell. Poor guy isn’t sure what to expect next.
I did not get my workouts in as well as I wanted too. I had a goal of working out 6 days last week. So I am changing my weekly goal: workout before I eat breakfast. No workout no food. That ought to do it.
Besides working out first thing in the morning jacks my energy level up all day long.
I measured today . I’ve lost 2 inches off my bust: was 50 now 48, 1 inch off my waist: was 41.5 now 40.5, 2.5 inches off my hips was 58.5 now 56. I’m getting closer to fitting in a plane seat…lol without riding cheek pressed to cheek with my neighbors, that is.
The workouts that I am concentrating on this week are Hip Hop Abs and Turbo Jam.
In addition if it stays relatively dry I want to get to the spring rake and clean up. Try to get the yards all cleaned up before new growth comes on. This is a bit of a challenge since my yards are around the size of a football field. Seriously need to take Min Min for some walks too. She is a chunky little hairball. she has been walking out to the chicken house with me to let the fowl out in the mornings, but there needs to be more. She needs to lose a 2 or 3 pounds. So Min Min and I will be hiking up the hill in front of the house.
I sooooooo want a significant amount of fat off, and muscle tone before summer.
I found this in Beachbody under the trainer’s and expert’s tab.
Chalene, had posted it there. Chalene is the creator of Turbo Jam and Chalene Extreme.
Read these tips, then print and post them so you have them as a daily reminder.
1. Keep a water bottle with you at all times and drink from it often. Water *is* the drink of choice, but if you don’t enjoy plain water, than liven it up! Try portable single-serve packs of Crystal Light, Propel, Diet Ice, Reebok Water, Vitamin Water or some other form of healthy fluid intake with minimal or zero calories.
2. Look at exercise as a pleasure and privilege, not a burden or chore. Think positively about the changes regular exercise will produce. Rather than obsessing about your next meal, get excited about your next workout!
3. Think twice before deciding what to eat and why, making sure that it is healthy and will provide you good nutrition, fill you up, and give you long-term energy.
4. Measure intake based on activity, not how you "feel." Need should mandate intake, not mood, emotion, or your present company.
5. Eat well-balanced meals and remember that excessive calories, even if they are fat-free and high protein will turn to excess weight! No matter what the latest fad diet, extra calories equals extra weight!
6. Limit caffeine and exposure to even secondhand smoke.
7. Focus on short-term fitness goals with an emphasis on completing daily exercise.
8. Keep a daily log of what you’re actually eating. This includes grabbing a handful of chips here, the crust of your kid’s sandwich, and ALL your snacking.
9. Enjoy an occasional (once a week) "unhealthy" treat, but never an "unhealthy" week or unhealthy vacation.
10. Savor the feeling of accomplishment you have after completing an intense workout. Remember that feeling and use it to motivate you when you don’t feel like exercising.
11. Enjoy contributing to the health of others by having a partner or friends to exercise with, as well as recruiting others who desire to feel better and have more energy. Have a neighbor who walks every morning? Ask if you can join in!
12. Learn new ways and new techniques for exercising.
13. Avoid monotony by taking up new forms of exercising or using things that keep you motivated and inspired, like new shoes or great music.
14. Subscribe to fitness magazines to keep focused on health as an overall way of life.
15. Invest in the right tools—good shoes, a health club membership, a portable MP3 player or iPod, fitness equipment, a new series of tapes, etc.
16. Make it your goal to do some form of exercise 6 or 7 days a week. If some days you exercise once in the morning and once in the evening, even better! If you’re eating right, exercise will fuel your energy level!
17. Don’t compare your body to others. Instead, work to be your personal best.
18. If your diet is unbalanced, take daily vitamin and mineral supplements for total health.
19. Work to take your exercise to new levels of intensity.
20. Create an exercise schedule the day before, instead of leaving it to chance or waiting to "find" the time. If our last two Presidents of the United States can make time to workout every day, you can make time too!
21. Move beyond the boundaries of weight loss and into total fitness. Measure success by the way your clothes fit, and not a number on a scale.
22. Stick with eating plans you can maintain indefinitely. Remember that no matter how hard you’re working out, if you’re consuming too many calories, you’ll never see the muscles that lie beneath layers of fatty tissue.
23. Live a balanced life.
24. Get adequate amounts of sleep, but remember that people who exercise regularly fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly.
25. Limit alcohol intake to special occasions
Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
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