Friday, April 16, 2010

Ramping Up and Scaling Back by Bill Phillips

Fitness expert and author Bill Phillips knows how to build up your resolve and your body during all temptations and distractions. Follow his fitness advice to enjoy some treats while still being able to look in the mirror and smile.

1. Make the decision to be healthy. No one is responsible for your health but you. Acknowledge your power in determining your well-being.

2. Plan to make your health a priority. Before your day begins, decide what you will eat and when you will work out. Reducing meals “on the fly” helps you make better choices.

3. Get specific. Only specific, measurable goals with a timeline and deadline will keep you on track. Don’t use “get in shape” as your goal. Define what “get in shape” means to you. How many pounds do you want to lose? How much time will it take? What do you want your cholesterol levels to be? Specific goals motivate and empower (especially when you see progress).

4. Eat six small nutrient-rich, calorie-sparse meals a day. Drink 80 ounces of water a day. Make one day a week a “free day” when you can eat what you want. When you enjoy your favorite foods once a week, your long-term goals are more reasonable.

5. Commit to your workout schedule just like you would a meeting with your boss or an appointment with your doctor. Treat it like there are negative consequences if you skip—because there are!

Bill has some excellent tips. Make use of them.

The above article is from Jim Rohn Newsletter

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins
Robbins Run Ranch

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