Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Sort it out, find what works for you and make it happen...

 This caught my eye, because like the rest of the human race I am always trying to "find the time".  Chris has some viable, useful suggestions.  As for me, I made the decision to work out on my elliptical before I eat.  No workout... no eat. Keep in mind I work at home.  This could be a bit more challenging for those of you that do not. 

I am planning on adding Turbo Jam and or Hip Hop Abs back into my weekly routine. I had thought of pushing play in the evening.  Unfortunately that does not seem to work for me, I am an excellent procrastinator.  Both workouts are excellent; and I have wonderful results from them. But trying to get myself to do them in the evening is an exercise in futility at this point. 

Soooooo.... I will be more than likely adding them to my morning workout.  The workout before you eat... no workout no eat time of day for  It's what's working for me now.

When I get into serious distance training for the marathon and/or century bike ride this will not be a viable technique.  I will need to eat before I  head out and take energy  and hydration with me.  Although I will probably keep up the workout before you eat for my morning workouts.  I must admit I feel sooooooo much better throughout the day when I've worked out in the mornings.

Sort it out, find what works for you and make it happen...

Life is a journey, how you travel is up to you.
Mary E. Robbins
Robbins Run Ranch

Finding The Time To Be Active...

Posted by Chris Freytag at 4/28/2010 5:12 PM CDT

Time, time, time…where does it go?  Do you ever feel like you just don’t know how you are going to fit one more thing into your day, let alone a workout?  It is a common complaint!  People often ask me about time management and how I do it being the mother of three, working and staying fit. 
The answer is not only do I map out my days to include exercise breaks but I have also organized my life so I’m always ready to get up and get moving when the opportunity presents itself.  I try to manage my days and not let my day manage me (although there will always be those days where life just takes over)!
I thought I would share a few of my favorite time saving tips with you, or I should say time MAKING tips.
•    I like to teach my clients and friends to “bundle their busywork” into one convenient time of day, like the lunch hour. By doing your bills and miscellaneous paperwork at your desk while you eat lunch, you can free up 20 or 30 minutes at the end of the day for exercise.  I know that some experts have stated that you should focus on your food while eating, but if multitasking while you eat once in awhile allows you to fit in a workout that’s time well spent! 

•    Take advantage of time-saving technology like online banking, bill paying, and post office services.  A few less errands in the car is not only earth friendly but time friendly.

•    Limit your time on the internet!  How many times do you sit down to complete one email and a half hour later you are still on the computer looking at something completely off the subject?  Schedule internet and email time and limit yourself to 15 or 30 minutes.
•    Buy two pairs of workout shoes, one for the office and one for home, so you’re literally always good to go. I even keep a pair in my car, just in case I find time when I’m on the road.

•    Place a pile of clean workout clothes close to your bed so when that alarm goes off it is easy to get dressed and go.  Spending 15 minutes looking for some clean running pants and matching socks is a waste of precious time in the am and might set you back so that a workout will no longer fit in.
•    Piggyback a workout with your favorite never-miss activities like watching Dancing With The Stars or your mid-afternoon latte break.  Walk on the treadmill while you catch up on TV programs or ride your bike to the coffee store to meet a friend.

•    Have a standing appointment with a workout buddy. If it’s an always-there, can’t-miss appointment, you’ll just do it. Besides, you would never stand up a friend, but you would definitely stand up yourself.
•    Rather than sit for hours (and hours) at kids’ sports practices, fit in a workout while you wait.  I always do cardio walking during swim team practice in the summer. During my son’s hockey practices in the winter, I sneak over to the gym attached to the ice rink.

•    Save yourself from the laundry. Try to only do it 2-3 days a week.  Even with three kids…everyone in the family should have 5 shirts and 5 pairs of pants they like for the week. If there’s anything they need, they’d better throw it in the hamper realize is may be a day or two till it’s clean. This alone will save you hours.
Through such simple strategies, exercise becomes a part of the fabric of your life instead of something requiring a complete overhaul of your life plan. This is the “magic bullet” women are always asking me for!

1 comment:

lama said...

Oooh, you’re such an inspiration. I love this blog!
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