Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I had an epiphany today.

I watched the biggest loser last night. First time this season that I’ve seen it. Usually I’m doing something else or my husband has the remote. I was getting on my elliptical to work out and decided to watch tv while doing so and came across the program. I’m glad I did. I watched these 2 teams, blue and black go for the big weight loss numbers. Some with success and some with utter failure. I saw some of the same emotional pain and frustration on their faces as I’m dealing with.

At the end of the program Jillian (one of the trainers) came on and was talking about diet. As in what you put in your mouth, chew and swallow. A couple of the folks on the black team had severely restricted their calories trying to drop a high number of pounds for the week and it backfired.

If you cut your calories too low your metabolism will slow way down and you will not lose fat. You may even gain weight because your body will hang on to every calorie it gets. It goes into starvation mode.

So what do you do? Eat 5 or 6 times a day. No not 5000 calories unless you are doing an ultra marathon every day. Get a grip, and get off your butt.

I am using New Vision’s diet program, and it’s excellent. Now make sure you hear me. I am not living on diet shakes alone. I am eating 5 or 6 times a day.

Transforming your body, losing excess fat (note the excess in this sentence), developing a healthy relationship with your body, dealing with the physical changes in your body; is not only a physical transformation. It is a mental/emotional/spiritual transformation as well.

How you see yourself; what you believe, determines how your physical body transforms.

Actually; how you see yourself, what you tell yourself, the questions you ask yourself, what you believe not only determines how your physical body transforms; it determines how you live your life.

Your physical life. Your personal life. Your spiritual life. Your business life.

That said I had an epiphany today. Actually tonight as I was trying to go to bed. Yes I got out of bed and started writing. If I ad 2 kilometers a week I can make the full marathon distance by race day. May 25th 2008.

Yesterday I did 5 kilometers in the morning and 5 kms (kilometers) in the evening. Today I ate breakfast and went straight out to the kennels. Took about 20 minutes for lunch and kept working until around 5 pm. Popped into an online meeting at 5pm. Turned up the volume so I could listen without being tied to the computer. Stuck supper in the oven and got on my elliptical.

I did 10 kilometers on the elliptical tonight.

As I went to bed I was asking myself how could I make the full 26.2 mile (42.16 kilometer) marathon rather than the half. Just as I was starting my prayers, add 2 kilometers a week popped into my head, along with the belief that it’s actually attainable.

This is a huge thing for me. I’ve had doing a marathon on my life list for a very long time. Every time I started training for it I would sabotage myself. I didn’t believe I could actually do it.

Mindset is a powerful thing. I believe I can do a marathon. I believe I can do the Wyoming May 25th, 2008 Marathon.

Training for this marathon will play a major part in my body transformation. Good nutrition, plays a major part in my body’s transformation as well. Yes I’m taking vitamins and minerals: New Vision of course.

How much weight am I going to lose? How many inches am I going to lose? I’m not really sure. Overall weight loss, and overall inch loss can be pretty variable. So what am I working for. A sleek athletic, healthy body. A major goal for me is to be able to walk normally, and not have my thighs touch. So I’m not sure at what weight that will occur. Frankly I don’t care what weight that happens at. I do not want my thighs rubbing together when I walk.

What I do want is a firm athletic, healthy body. For the first time in my life I can actually see it in my minds eye. And get this, it’s attainable.

He he he, happy dance, happy dance, happy dance. I’m free. For the first time in my life, I am free. I am free and I am not afraid. That’s a biggie.

Life is a journey… one step at a time…
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream with our Pomeranians

Monday, January 28, 2008

I went Haywire...

Wow, I went haywire. I feel like my mind is clear again. I got excited about the body transformation challenge and of course told my friends and relatives. Things were going pretty well. I was excited and seeing weight loss pretty consistently.

Then I went haywire… I’ve been heavy for a while. Really heavy since my hysterectomy a couple of years ago. September 9th 2005 to be exact. Changing your body composition. Losing fat, gaining muscle, becoming sleek and athletic is not just a physical thing. It’s a psychological and spiritual thing as well.

Saying that I want to lose weight and actually doing it are definitely two different things. My fat suit has been a safe place to hide for years. People around me see me a certain way and when I start changing that they tend to panic as well. Many of you who have made changes in your lives or are working on changing your lives have encountered the same type of things.

The past couple of weeks it’s been one crisis after another. Both in my mind and laid at my feet by friends and relatives. My main coping system for the past few years has been to eat until my mind is numb. Then collapse on the couch in font of some mind numbing television program or stare at the wall in a fugue state. Ok now I know what’s happening. Actually took responsibility for it and I am journaling rather than eating.

During the 2 week stretch that I went haywire, yes I had moments of clarity. If not I wouldn’t be here now. This is another step in the process of change.

I am getting stronger, physically, spiritually, and mentally. Frankly I could do without the process, but then growth in any form is always a process.

I’ll leave you with this little poem… I don’t know who wrote it, but it is well worth reading. Then I’m out the door to to take care of the kennels…

Don’t Quit
When Things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit-
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learns,
And many a person turns about
When they might have won had they stuck it out
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow—
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor’s cup:
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out—
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit—
It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit.

Life is a journey... sometimes there are rocks in the road...
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Buggered it: VS Decide, Commit, Succeed

Well I did it. I truly buggered it yesterday. I opened up my Hip Hop Abs dvd’s (yesterday morning) with the intent of checking each of them to make sure all the dvd’s worked. Well I did a lot more than just look at them. I know better but I did it anyway. I did the big OD. That’s right I over did it and as a result I had a very painful (not very productive) exhausted day yesterday. Knocked me out.

This morning is a raw hamburger day, as in I feel like a piece of live raw hamburger. No not like eating it. I feel like I’ve been run through a grinder. Hello lactic acid buildup. Ugh!

I took a couple of ibuprofen last night and crashed. Thanks to the ibuprofen , the pain dulled and I actually got some sleep. I didn’t even get up to stoke (reload) our wood stove. As a result it was a bit frosty in here when I got up this morning.

What’s the point, other than all this ow … ow … ow… whining? In the past when this happened, or rather when I did this to my self. I would crawl off in a corner (couch or bed) and hide under a blanket until the pain went away. Heads up folks! That doesn’t work, oh yes the pain will eventually go away. But you end up with less muscle tone. Usually pigging out on junk food while hiding under the blanket feeling sorry for yourself. So when you do emerge you have an extra fat roll or two hanging off your rear.

I am happy to say, well not overly happy still annoyed with myself for completely overdoing it. When I could have gradually worked into a full Hip Hop Ab workout without all this pain and swelling. Ok, it’s too late to get that off to a less painful start. I am where I am.

Back on point, I got up this morning. Gimped around my house letting the dogs out, got on the scale, (bounced up 2 pounds- yes I know it’s a result of the swelling but I still don’t like it) got dressed, and got on my elliptical. Yes I am still working out.

No I’m not binging on junk. Actually I’m not binging at all. That’s how I know the weight bounce is due to the swelling and not fat packing back on my body. In truth I was more than a bit concerned about my mindset after a weight bounce, but it’s good. It’s good because I know it’s just part of the process of my body’s transformation to a healthier sleeker physique, not a result of a pig out session.

Yes I did hip hop abs again today. Just not the full workout. I set the timer for 10 minutes and worked my way through 10 minutes of a dance routine. Yes I was ouching it all the way through. No I’m not so tough, nor am I a total whiner. What I am is determined. At the beginning of the workouts on hip hop abs it has this 3 word series scrolling across the screen. It describes exactly what it takes to reach you goals. Decide…Commit…Succeed.

I have Decided, I have Commited, I am Succeeding. Whoo Hoo… sore muscles will not stop me. A minor bounce will not derail my commitment. I am succeeding.

I am going for the $50,000 New Vision has put up for prize money. But you know it’s not just the money. Although it’s true, the money is a great inspiration. I am feeling so much better than I have in a very long time. Sore muscles aside. I feel better physically. I feel better mentally. I am more at peace with myself.

I had my Forte Shake for breakfast. Took my vitamins and minerals and am on to my day.

Life is a journey…enjoy the trip
Mary E. Robbins
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Sunday, January 06, 2008

New Vision Does it Again: Weight Loss challenge: $50,000 first prize!

Wow, Ok where do I start? I’ve been struggling with my weight. Gotten very heavy in fact. This past summer I hit 299 pounds and it was a wake up call. I was actually losing some weight Up until Thanksgiving then I went binge nuts and gained part of it back. I had lost down to 278 pounds, and then gained back up to 287 pounds. We all know the yo yo bit in weight is not good for a person, ok.

Anyway I was working on goals, and looking around for an outside motivator for me. A bit of support and inspiration.

Well on January 3rd I popped into a conference call for New Vision. There was President BK Boreyko announcing the winners of the Weight Loss Challenge that had just wrapped up. I was a bit pissed at myself because I had planned on entering it and had not gotten my starting photos taken.

I was sitting at my desk listening to the names and stories of the winners. The 5th place winner lost 16 pounds for a $1500.00 prize, and it went up from there. The first place winner lost 47 pounds for a first place prize of $15,000.00. It was a 3 month contest.

After the winner’s were announced and congratulated BK Boreyko had another announcement. By this time I was feeling, more than a bit, pissed at myself for not being a part of this whole process. In truth feeling a bit sorry for myself as well. You know, the slumped over my desk, lip sticking out sulk bit.

Then my ears perked up, what was he saying?! Thankfully he repeated it, and I promptly went to the website to confirm. New Vision is running another weight loss challenge. It is running for 179 days from the start (the start date was Jan 3rd) with total prizes amounting to $100,000.00.

Ok I’m sitting up much straighter by this time. Remember; I was looking for inspiration. A bit of leverage to keep myself going, you know other than feeling better and looking better and so on. Frankly, Money is a very good method of inspiration for me. $50,000.00 for first prize, $20,000.00 for second prize and so on.

I have my starting point photos taken this time. No more hiding for me, I’m going for it. I figure I have as good as chance as anyone for that first prize, I wouldn’t turndown any of the prize money for that matter. Would you? At any rate I’ll be getting rid of some very unwanted fat. In time for that summer season.

The Holiday Fat Fanny Season is over. Oh come on, you know nearly everyone packs on some pounds over the holiday season. Whether it’s just a few or a truckload of lard. Why not get paid to lose the fat and feel better at the same time.

New Vision has excellent products; there is no question about that.

Jump on Board and Get Paid to Lose Weight Now!

If you have any questions, need help or support I’ll be glad to help. Just pick up your phone and call. This is my number 307.788.0202

I decided to blog my progress… So I’m posting my start photos… no more hiding for me.

Go to my website click on the weight challenge link and check it out. While you are there order the diet systems. Both are excellent.

Life is a journey… see you lighter
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
USA Mountain Time

Click here and Get Started Today.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Thursday Morning: Up Before the Butt Crack of Dawn!

Thursday morning… I’d say bright and early … but the only thing bright here right now are the embers in the wood stove. The stars are even hidden behind an early morning cloud cover… the moon is barely peeking through… It’s supposed to warm up today. I hope they are right. It’s still 4 degrees Fahrenheit here according to the weather channel on my computer. Happily my thermometer says it’s closer to 20 in this hollow. Much warmer than yesterday at this time.

My back feels better, Thank God! Literally! I used my abdominal/back band all day yesterday and I’m using it again today. I thought I could go without using it much and just build the strength in my abs and back. Unfortunately I was mistaken. I have built strength, but I’ve injured myself along the way. So, I’m taking a new tack. I’m using the back and abdominal supports. It will probably take a bit longer to build the strength as my body will rely on the supports. However in the long run I think I’ll come out better for it.

The kennel work has to be done, so does my house… in the process of this work I’ve been hurting myself. So I’m using the supports to protect myself and I’ll use oxycise, to help build the muscle strength.

It’s been miserable, absolutely crazy pain from the muscle spasms in my back pulling me over backwards after taking care of my kennels. That’s just nuts, and it’s damaging to my body as well. Bloody muscle spasm pulled my spine out of alignment to the point I could barely use my legs from the pinched nerves. I was losing control of my arms as well, then there was that nauseating pain. Ugh.
If I’m a wimp for using the supports, then so be it. But in the long run I’ll be stronger and healthier for it.

I should have used supports from the start of my recovery rather than listening to those that said I shouldn’t. I could have gotten a lot more done, with a lot less pain.

I’m not talking about being totally dependent on supports, I’m talking about using them to protect my body while I’m healing and strengthening my body. Frankly it’s amazing to me just how long it’s taking to regain even part of the strength and endurance I had before I was ill. But then I was ill for a long time. Long time to me anyway, over 5 years, and 2 major surgeries. With a nasty case of West Nile Virus tossed in the middle of it all. Ok, all things considered I’m doing pretty well. Maybe just maybe I can piece my superwoman cape back together… lol…

At least, get into good condition physically, mentally and spiritually as well… oh and lets not forget financially. Illness can certainly do a number on the finances… eeeewwww… Happily I’m starting to turn that around as well…

On to fitness:
I did the elliptical for 1 km yesterday… and again this morning
I wrote down everything I ate yesterday.
Had a tasty breakfast this morning of hot tea, Yoplait… the sugar free/fat free kind, and a toasted English muffin with a bit of butter and honey.

Nope no coffee first thing this morning, my tummy was a bit off and coffee just doesn’t appeal to me when I feel like that. Now a good spot of tea does just fine. Yes I’m still a coffee lover and I will more than likely have some later. Just didn’t want any this morning.

As for the rest of the day on the exercise front; I’m going after kennel feed, and supplies so I’ll be blasting around the store and unloading supplies at my mom’s before I come home to take care of the kennels. Dump that Ice wield that sledge hammer, unload those bags, scoop that feed, muck out the whelping house… and so on and so on… it’s get fit or croak…lol… soooo… I’m working for get fit. It will be so nice to feel a spring in my step, rather than trudging under the weight. Just the thought of that makes me smile all over.

Life is a journey… how you take the trip is up to you!
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs

Bright Cold Wyo Morning, fitness goals Jan. 2nd

Good Morning…
Yes it is a good morning. It’s bright sunny and cold, and absolutely beautiful outside. It was 2 below zero Fahrenheit when the dogs chased me out of bed this morning at 5:00.
My back seems better, still pain radiating down my legs and arms and a bit dizzy; but not as bad as yesterday pinched nerves can be a bugger.

I’m hoping using the reverse incline will pull me back into alignment. I was having severe muscle spasms in my back after taking care of the kennels for several days. I’m thinking that is what pulled me out of alignment. I am wearing an abdominal and back support trying to hold things together. That has helped a bit. I’m thinking that the more I move the more chance I have of coming back into alignment so I walked a km on my elliptical this morning. I am restarting my training program to get ready for the half marathon the end of May 2008. I’ll be adding 1 km a week up until the race, maybe a bit more just before. At any rate it will help me to increase my endurance and elongate my leg muscles a bit.

My Daily Meal Plan at this point is as follows:
Eat at least 1 fruit daily
Eat at least 1 salad daily
Listen to my body
Eat only when hungry
Write down what I eat
Write down my exercise/workouts

Workout Plan:
Elliptical-start with 1 km per day increase 1 km per week
Oxycise Level 1-several times per week
Hip Hop abs-several times per week
After it warms up a bit do some lifting on my bowflex. The bowflex is out in the quonset… there is no heat in there and frankly I refuse to lift any more weight than I already am in subzero temps. I’m lifting 20 to 55 lb bags of feed, dragging 100 foot hoses full of water, dragging my feed tubs, beating the ice out of water containers with a 3 pound sledge hammer. That 3 pound weight doesn’t seem like much until you do a couple hundred reps with it. Tossing bales of straw into pens and distributing the straw about with a pitch fork. Once it warms up I’ll be cleaning out kennel runs with a rake, shovel, and pitch fork, and grooming dogs as fast as I can to get their coats brushed out before the heat of summer gets here.

At any rate that’s the plan for now.

Life is a journey… enjoy the trip…
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs