This morning is a raw hamburger day, as in I feel like a piece of live raw hamburger. No not like eating it. I feel like I’ve been run through a grinder. Hello lactic acid buildup. Ugh!
I took a couple of ibuprofen last night and crashed. Thanks to the ibuprofen , the pain dulled and I actually got some sleep. I didn’t even get up to stoke (reload) our wood stove. As a result it was a bit frosty in here when I got up this morning.
What’s the point, other than all this ow … ow … ow… whining? In the past when this happened, or rather when I did this to my self. I would crawl off in a corner (couch or bed) and hide under a blanket until the pain went away. Heads up folks! That doesn’t work, oh yes the pain will eventually go away. But you end up with less muscle tone. Usually pigging out on junk food while hiding under the blanket feeling sorry for yourself. So when you do emerge you have an extra fat roll or two hanging off your rear.
I am happy to say, well not overly happy still annoyed with myself for completely overdoing it. When I could have gradually worked into a full Hip Hop Ab workout without all this pain and swelling. Ok, it’s too late to get that off to a less painful start. I am where I am.
Back on point, I got up this morning. Gimped around my house letting the dogs out, got on the scale, (bounced up 2 pounds- yes I know it’s a result of the swelling but I still don’t like it) got dressed, and got on my elliptical. Yes I am still working out.
No I’m not binging on junk. Actually I’m not binging at all. That’s how I know the weight bounce is due to the swelling and not fat packing back on my body. In truth I was more than a bit concerned about my mindset after a weight bounce, but it’s good. It’s good because I know it’s just part of the process of my body’s transformation to a healthier sleeker physique, not a result of a pig out session.
Yes I did hip hop abs again today. Just not the full workout. I set the timer for 10 minutes and worked my way through 10 minutes of a dance routine. Yes I was ouching it all the way through. No I’m not so tough, nor am I a total whiner. What I am is determined. At the beginning of the workouts on hip hop abs it has this 3 word series scrolling across the screen. It describes exactly what it takes to reach you goals. Decide…Commit…Succeed.
I have Decided, I have Commited, I am Succeeding. Whoo Hoo… sore muscles will not stop me. A minor bounce will not derail my commitment. I am succeeding.
I am going for the $50,000 New Vision has put up for prize money. But you know it’s not just the money. Although it’s true, the money is a great inspiration. I am feeling so much better than I have in a very long time. Sore muscles aside. I feel better physically. I feel better mentally. I am more at peace with myself.
I had my Forte Shake for breakfast. Took my vitamins and minerals and am on to my day.
Life is a journey…enjoy the trip
Mary E. Robbins
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians
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