Anyway I was working on goals, and looking around for an outside motivator for me. A bit of support and inspiration.
I was sitting at my desk listening to the names and stories of the winners. The 5th place winner lost 16 pounds for a $1500.00 prize, and it went up from there. The first place winner lost 47 pounds for a first place prize of $15,000.00. It was a 3 month contest.
After the winner’s were announced and congratulated BK Boreyko had another announcement. By this time I was feeling, more than a bit, pissed at myself for not being a part of this whole process. In truth feeling a bit sorry for myself as well. You know, the slumped over my desk, lip sticking out sulk bit.
Then my ears perked up, what was he saying?! Thankfully he repeated it, and I promptly went to the website to confirm. New Vision is running another weight loss challenge. It is running for 179 days from the start (the start date was Jan 3rd) with total prizes amounting to $100,000.00.
I have my starting point photos taken this time. No more hiding for me, I’m going for it. I figure I have as good as chance as anyone for that first prize, I wouldn’t turndown any of the prize money for that matter. Would you? At any rate I’ll be getting rid of some very unwanted fat. In time for that summer season.
The Holiday Fat Fanny Season is over. Oh come on, you know nearly everyone packs on some pounds over the holiday season. Whether it’s just a few or a truckload of lard. Why not get paid to lose the fat and feel better at the same time.
Jump on Board and Get Paid to Lose Weight Now!
If you have any questions, need help or support I’ll be glad to help. Just pick up your phone and call. This is my number 307.788.0202
I decided to blog my progress… So I’m posting my start photos… no more hiding for me.
Go to my website click on the weight challenge link and check it out. While you are there order the diet systems. Both are excellent.
Life is a journey… see you lighter
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
USA Mountain Time
Click here and Get Started Today.
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